The punch codebase is highly modular and well documented. The complete platform is assembled from many carefully designed libraries, each delivered as maven artifact.
Some of these libraries are interesting outside the strict context of the punch. For example, we have monitoring APIs to publish normalized yammer metrics to various backends including Kafka and Elasticsearch. We also have an easy to use Kafka consumer API that directly publish useful metrics, provide a batch API contract, etc..
You can checkout the various artifacts:
- Shiva light weigth task scheduler
- punchplatform-storm-api
- punchplatform-bootstrap-api
- punchplatform-netty-api
- punchplatform-kafkaconsumer-api
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This code is of course protected from commercial use by Thales licenses. As of today, only Thales employee have access, but it is ready to be open to anyone.
Some of our use cases are confidential, and some of our features are protected because of their high business values. For these reasons, some of the codebase require you to first request access.